Vasco Monteiro – Rank Sites and Make Money With SEO

I’ve been doing SEO since 2016.

I’ve failed and made a tremendous amount of mistakes.

From not knowing anything about ranking sites, to not having a clue how to acquire clients and make money with SEO.

This is my only and most complete course on EVERYTHING I know about SEO.

The goal is to get you to be great at SEO while making money with it.

Here’s what I teach:

Everything I know that works and doesn’t work for me

Local SEO (Google Maps included) – this could be a course on its own

YouTube SEO – how to actually rank videos in Youtube’s search

How to acquire SEO clients that pay you $5k to $10k/mo

My detailed SOP’s ($10k+ value in these alone – I’ve never shared them)

The boring Technical SEO (extremely, extremely important)

On-page SEO (this can NOT be neglected)

How to build, acquire, and buy backlinks (i.e. Off-page SEO)

Rank and Rent (from A to Z)

Programmatic SEO

How to do SEO in 2023 and beyond (i.e. the AI age of search engines)