Hi, I’m Thomas Smith
Since 2019, I’ve written 750+ articles with 14 million+ views on Medium. My articles earn me $1,000-$4,000 per month from the Medium Partner Program, and my top article earned over $19,000.
My Medium writing also landed coverage for my business in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, helped me build a highly-engaged newsletter, and won me my best consulting client.
In Thrive on Medium, I share everything I know about how to succeed and thrive on the platform–whether that means earning “latte money” while writing about topics you love, building a lucrative side hustle, or even launching a business or bringing in job-replacement income via the Medium platform.
Medium is the best place to write today. Let me guide you through everything I’ve learned about thriving on Medium.
About Thrive on Medium
Although I’ve written on Medium for 5+ years, I waited a long time to launch this course.
I wanted to test every aspect of the Medium platform–the Partner Program (which pays you directly for your stories), affiliate marketing via Medium, building a newsletter, winning press coverage through Medium stories, and even using Medium for high-value lead generation.
I also wanted to master Medium’s fantastic new Boost program, which can 10x the reach and earnings of a writer’s best stories. And I wanted to ensure that I could effectively coach other writers through the process of getting a story Boosted.
Half a decade, 750+ stories, and multiple six figures of Partner Program earnings later, I was ready to consolidate everything I’ve learned into this course, and share it with you.
Medium has helped me create my dream job. I can’t wait to teach you what I’ve learned, and to help you thrive on the platform!