Nuno Taveres & Andy Klepner – Go High Level Master Builder

What You Get:
PART 101
Foundational Skills
Step by step over 7 modules setting up a new clients from scratch in GHL, troubleshooting common issues preventing you from a smooth onboarding in an easy ready-to-go pack of training to handover to new team members from day 1

Domain, Subdomains & Paths What They are and How to Set them up
The Right Way to setup Lead Connector and Mailgun Email
Accurate Calendar Integration & Syncing
Painless Text Messaging Approval and Setup
Quick & Easy Team Member Permissions Approval Setup
Connect all your Social Media Accounts with Ease
Mobile Application Installation and Mastery
Get Paid!!! Installation of Payment Portals, Invoices, Estimates, & Proposals
PART 201
The Local Business Pro Pack
Local businesses usually only know how to do their specific trade. So they are prime for utilizing support you’ll be able to provide in running their booking calendars, client pipelines and email + text marketing campaigns. Kick off this new demographic with a bang from the start (or hand to your team to ensure they are implementing it correctly!)

Effortless Management of Pipelines
Meeting & Booking Calendars Setup and Management
Customize Forms & Surveys
Create Lead Generation Funnels
Proven Advanced Easy to Understand Automations
Review Generation & Management
Dormant Customer Re Engagement Campaign
Monthly & Weekly Specials Campaign
Local Citation Management for SEO
Social Media Posting
Troubleshooting Local Business Systems
PART 301
Deploy and Sell Your Snapshot
During the course of this program, you’ll craft a personalized snapshot tailored to your specific requirements, which can also be marketed to individuals and businesses sharing similar needs and clientele. Discover how to leverage your diligent efforts within GHL to establish a supplementary income stream by monetizing your tried-and-tested automations and sales funnels.

How to create snapshot accounts within your GHL system
Create a Funnel to sell your snapshots
Learn to Deploy and Update your snapshots
How to Sell Your Snapshots
Where to Sell Your Snapshots
PART 401
Outsourcing & Hiring A Winning Team
Empowering you with the knowledge and strategies to assemble a dynamic team of developers and harness the full potential of Go HighLevel Systems. In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, having a proficient and cohesive development team is paramount to stay ahead of the competition.

Think beyond overseas VAs you are struggling to train, retain and turn into problem solvers helping your business run so you can actually focus on the most important aspects of the business. Brought to you by the outsourcing queen herself, Esther Inman.

Recruiting the right people to build out your team
Managing talent to optimizing your workflow
Ensure that you can effectively leverage Go HighLevel Systems to drive your business to new heights
Bonus #1
Master Marketer


Dive into the world of marketing with Matt Desano, a seasoned expert. Uncover the secrets behind crafting offers that people can’t resist and position yourself as the top-tier expert in your niche.

Expert Insights: Direct lessons from a marketing maestro.
Magnetic Offers: Techniques to create irresistible propositions.
Positioning Master: Stand out and be recognized as the industry leader.
Bonus #2
3 Months of Weekly Office Hours

Normally we charge $297 an hour for coaching & consulting.
With personalized group sessions, navigate the complexities of GoHighLevel and fast-track your path to mastery.

Direct Access: Engage in two insightful sessions every week.
Tailored Guidance: Solutions crafted for your unique challenges.
Hands-on Help: Accelerate your learning curve with expert assistance.
Bonus #3
Google Workspace Masterclass

Learn how to master Google Workspace and enhance or create a perfect business companion which includes mastering your email, your cloud drive, your calendars and even your tasks

All-in-One Mastery: From Gmail to Drive, get proficient in every tool.
Collaborative Boost: Supercharge teamwork with Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
Inbox Efficiency: Learn to create aliases, filter messages, and organize your emails for a clutter-free Google Workspace inbox.
Bonus #4
Email Deliverability Mastery

Unlock the secrets to ensuring your emails don’t end up in the dreaded spam folder. Our dedicated segment on Email Deliverability is meticulously crafted to cover all the key areas. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your email strategies, we’ve got insights and tactics tailored just for you.

Deliverability Essentials: Discover the three pivotal email records that dramatically boost your deliverability rates.
Pristine Email Health: Implement strategies to address bounces, manage unsubscriptions, and maintain a spotless email list.
First Impressions Matter: Craft subject lines that are not just read, but remembered, ensuring maximum opens.
Smart Sending: Navigate the complexities of bulky emails, embedded links, and attachments, ensuring each email is optimized for success.
Bonus #5
2 Hackathons

An immersive, hands-on experience where you’ll join forces with our seasoned coaches to configure your GoHighLevel systems in real-time. It’s the perfect opportunity to ask questions, troubleshoot issues, and master the nuances of this powerful platform. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your skills, our Hackathon is tailored to ensure you get the most out of GoHighLevel.

Live Implementation: Put theory into practice on-the-spot.
Guided Sessions: Benefit from the expertise of GoHighLevel pros.
Instant Optimization: Address and rectify challenges in real-time.
Collaborative Learning Environment: Engage in group sessions where collective insights and shared experiences amplify the learning process for everyone.
Bonus #6
Certified Admin Notes

Nuno has crafted a valuable series of notes, filled with tips and tricks, derived from his journey through the HighLevel Certifications program. This collection encapsulates practical insights and knowledge, making it a treasure trove for both novices and seasoned professionals.

Simplifying complex concepts: Implemented immediately in a practical setting
Shortcuts Galore: For efficient task management.
Provide a roadmap: To excel in the program.
Bridges the gap: Between theory and practice.

Author: Malcolm