Aj & Smart – Workshopper Master (Full Course)

Workshopper Master®

Learn to confidently design and facilitate workshops for any challenge, for any team, remote and in-person – and how to build a business around it.

The synthesis of everything facilitator.com has learnt through the years.

This isn’t “just another” facilitation course.

Work shopper Master is a comprehensive program to learn facilitation both as a skill and as a business, in two components:

What can a facilitator do?

Anything that helps people and teams work together better, share ideas, and make decisions.

What’s included?

Digital Courses

Life-time access to the self-paced courses, covering everything you need to design, run and sell any workshop

Resources and Cheat Sheets

Access to our battle-tested resources to support you getting clients and running projects


Our official, signed certificate of completion, to you can promote your new skills!

Continued Online Coaching

6-month access to weekly group coaching calls, special events, and recordings.

Private Community Access

6-month access to our private community for ambitious facilitators

Workshop ‘Recipes’

You’ll get access to several high-value workshops you can sell to your own clients or run at your company